Friday, August 6, 2010

Periods for Pondering?

What would it be like if we didn't have periods?

We wouldn't be able to have children - though God could've created us with the ability to do so without needing menstruation.

But then how would my life be different? Some months are more painful than others, especially on that first day. I find the more pronounced my period is, the more it impacts my life, arresting my attention, at times bringing a halt to normal activities. If I didn't have a period, I'd just keep flying through ~ like driving without speed bumps, you can go a lot faster!

Could it be God wants me to slow down? I find He usually slows me down when He wants me to take note of something. There are things you see on a slow walk that you'll never notice driving 70 mph!

But what might He want me to see? And why might the enemy want to make it possible for me to keep going 70 mph?

Next time you have your period, instead of reaching for the Advil, why not slow down and ponder, asking God to give you wisdom.

You might be surprised at what comes to mind...!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The sad farewell?!

"I'm five days late" my neighbor shared, "and I'm usually like clockwork. It's either the start of menopause or I'm pregnant."

Talk about extremes! As you get older a missed period takes on multiple meanings - and can that ever generate multiple responses.

My last post examined the first place in the Bible where periods are specifically mentioned - however, there is one occurrence earlier where there is an indirect mention. This occurs right after the Lord tells Abraham that in a year Sarah is going to have a son. At this time Abraham is 99 and Sarah is in her eighties...

"Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in years. The way of women had ceased to be with Sarah." Genesis 18:11

Did you catch that? " The "way of women?!" What do you think that's referring to? Obviously it's something that's ceased that makes Sarah conclude she can't have a child...!

Can you imagine what it was like for Sarah, month after month hoping for a child, for decades, maybe every now and then being a few days late, holding her breath and then... those first drops of blood once again dashing hope to the ground. I'll bet she dreaded those periods - but usually it's not until menopause we realize how vital they are.

As long as there are periods, there's still the hope for next month, but once they stop...!

It took us two years to conceive our son, then three years later we conceived only to miscarry... it's now been 20 years of secondary infertility. So I've had a taste of what she went through. And I honestly can't say I'm at all fond of periods.

But it is fascinating when you look up the meaning of the Hebrew words in Genesis 18:11 you find the word for way means to wander, journey, keep company with, and figuratively can refer to the way of life or death. As menopause looms closer I'm starting to wonder if perhaps I haven't missed out on valuing something special....

What would it look like to journey with my period instead of trying to minimize it's impact on my life?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

How periods saved one woman's life!!!

If it wasn't for periods, one woman in the Bible's life would've ended much sooner. Check out Genesis 31!

Here we find Jacob fleeing from his father-in-law Laban. For three days he gets a good head start, but how fast can you travel with two wives, eleven kids, all your servants and a wealth of camels, goats, sheep, cows and donkeys? Soon his father in law overtakes him, and states, "Now you've gone off because you longed to return to your father's house. But why did you steal my gods?"

Jacob denies taking his gods and declares, "If you find anyone who has your gods, he shall not live!" then invites Laban to search for them. Now Jacob has no idea his wife has stolen her father's gods! She put them inside her camel's saddle and sat on them. When her father, who is conducting a very thorough search, comes to her, she says to him, "Don't be angry, my lord, that I cannot stand up in your presence: I'm having my period."

Three times in the chapter it emphasizes Laban searched but found nothing. And why not? Because of periods.

Now I'm not saying what Rachel did was right! But I do find it interesting the first time in the Bible where a woman's period is specifically mentioned it's shown being beneficial!